Clan is an important part of the game CS:GO. If you want to develop in the game, you need to use modern tools. You can find many interesting things here. If you want to create your own clan, in this article you will find a lot of useful information about it.
Team composition. Some really useful information about the basis of the clan:
- It is very undesirable to be recruited into the team at a very young generation, as in the case when things do not work, or did not like it, or just when defeated – they become extremely inadequate, trying to pass their mood to other team members. At the same time very often it is on the server chat that throws out all the negative energy, insulting the surrounding server players. This greatly lowers the reputation of the team, and it is quite possible to admit that you have fallen a few notches down.
- Before admission to the clan it is desirable to check the experience of the player, despite the term of the game in general. If there are no options, you will have to accept him into the clan to help him develop. Sometimes such players are forced out by other willing players that have more experience in the game Counter Strike.
- Look at the nicknames of the players in your clan. Nicknames for the clan in CS should not be rambling, choose something in the same style and with meaning.
- To facilitate the search of players – place ads on popular portals (you can create a theme with the title – Set Clan CS:GO). This is the best option for promotion of the clan, while it greatly accelerates the process of recruiting staff.
- Over time, you should appoint a deputy captain to facilitate the work on the composition of the clan, and in general his work.
Clan sites CS:GO, clan servers cs

But what is the main thing we need to have to create a clan in advance, and during the process of forming? It is desirable to make a website clan CS:GO, for the location on it important to the clan information. Order hosting must not necessarily be paid. To create such a site you will not need much effort if you order a consultation of webmasters.
- Funds for ordering a command server. All good servers are paid, and the more expensive it is, the better. Although this fact is not always valid. If you do not want to take the risk, you can order after the formation of the clan.
- Funds to advertise the clan created, to recruit players for it, assistants and just colleagues.
- Prefabricated materials, preferably – video, teaching how to play Counter Strike. This can be a lesson on how to shoot with a presumed weapon, and special multiple jumps without using public programs.
- Not necessary, but desirable – a consultant to promote the clan, both in the game and on the Internet. This will be very useful, given that you have no experience in the field of Counter Strike clan creation.
This will be more than enough. Some clan creators are very limited to the minimum actions and do not use any of the provided items. Progress in their teams, as a rule, absolutely no. Well, in general, the amount of money spent also depends on the version of the game in which you want to form your own clan. So first, read the information and comments from experienced users of the Internet in this area.
In general, to create a good clan you need desire, persistence and patience. Thanks to these three qualities you will be successful. Everyone knows that a clan is just fine. Make yourself a good mood, create a clan, most importantly do not be lazy, and you will succeed! You can also use the same options skins from the website. That way you can stand out from the other teams and become a more interesting clan.